About Us
We believe that wine has its character, which is formed from the planting of the vine to the bottling of the wine, and thus, each bottle of wine has its addressee, whom it matches best.
With this vision, our team initially created the online platform Winestory, which gave small and medium-sized winemakers a unique opportunity - to enter digital channels and increase their awareness within the platform's framework: winemakers and wine lovers communicated directly with each other.
To realize its visions and move to the next stage of development, the startup company participated in the first season of "Shark Tank Georgia" and became one of the winners. As a result, Manny Benish invested in the startup.
At a new stage, our team decided to present an updated platform to the user, which would be more adapted to the needs of the international market. Thus, the concept of "Unbox.wine" was created, which changed the traditional forms and methods of shopping, where the customer has to choose from the products presented on the shelf.
We are a Wine Matching Agency. Thus, "Unbox.wine" aims to offer wine lovers a product according to their tastes. If the consumer usually chooses wine based on his experience and rejects novelty, our goal is to find out the consumer's desires and help them discover new tastes.